
Caring for a baby leopard gecko can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. These small and fascinating creatures require specific care to ensure they thrive in captivity. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about caring for a baby leopard gecko, including their diet, housing requirements, and temperature needs. 

Whether you’re a first-time reptile owner or an experienced keeper, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to give your baby leopard gecko the best possible care. So, let’s get started!

How To Take Care Of a Baby Leopard Gecko

Understanding the needs of baby leopard geckos is crucial for providing them with the best possible care. These small and fascinating reptiles have specific requirements that must be met to ensure their health and well-being. Here are some key factors to consider when understanding the needs of baby leopard geckos.


First, you need to create a suitable home for your baby leopard gecko. A 10-gallon tank is sufficient for one baby leopard gecko, and you should increase the tank size as they grow. The tank should have a secure lid, as leopard geckos are skilled escape artists. Provide a hiding spot, such as a small cave or overturned plant pot, as well as a shallow dish for water.


Leopard geckos require a warm and dry environment, so you need to set up a temperature gradient in the tank. Use a heat lamp or under-tank heater to create a warm basking spot between 88-92°F and a cooler area between 75-80°F. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature and adjust the heat source as needed.


Baby leopard geckos need a varied diet of live insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. Dust the insects with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement at every feeding to ensure proper bone growth. Offer food every day for the first few months, then reduce to every other day as they grow.

Monitoring their Health

Keep an eye out for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior. Take your baby leopard gecko to a reptile veterinarian for an annual checkup and fecal exam.

Handling And Socializing With Your Leopard Gecko

baby leopard gecko

Handling and socializing with your baby leopard gecko is an important aspect of their care. Regular handling can help them become more comfortable with humans, reduce stress, and improve their overall health and well-being. However, it’s important to handle them correctly to prevent injury and to provide a positive experience for both you and your gecko. Here are some tips for handling and socializing with your baby leopard gecko.

Start Slowly

Start by letting your baby leopard gecko get used to your presence. Sit near their tank and talk to them softly. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them. Once they seem comfortable with your presence, you can begin to introduce handling.

Support Their Body

When picking up your baby leopard gecko, be gentle and support their body. Place one hand under their chest and the other under their tail. Avoid picking them up by the tail, as it may detach and cause injury.

Start with Short Sessions

Start with short handling sessions, lasting only a few minutes at a time. Gradually increase the time as your baby gecko becomes more comfortable with you. It’s important to handle them regularly, but avoid handling them too frequently, as it may cause stress.

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands before and after handling your baby leopard gecko to prevent the spread of bacteria. Avoid handling them if you have recently used hand sanitizer or lotion, as it may be harmful to them.

Be Gentle and Patient

Be gentle and patient when handling your baby leopard gecko. Avoid squeezing or applying too much pressure, as their bones are fragile. If your gecko seems agitated or stressed, put them back in their tank and try again later.

Socialize Them with Other Geckos

Take note: when they’re at the right age and when it is advisable you can socialize your gecko.

Leopard geckos are social animals, and it’s beneficial to socialize them with other geckos. However, avoid introducing them to other geckos until they are at least six months old and have established their own territory. When introducing them to other geckos, monitor their interactions closely and separate them if necessary.

Common Health Issues of a Leopard Gecko

Like any other pet, baby leopard geckos are prone to certain health issues that may require veterinary attention. Knowing the common health issues and symptoms to look out for in your baby leopard gecko can help you detect and treat health problems early. Here are some common health issues and symptoms of a baby leopard gecko:


Impaction occurs when a leopard gecko ingests a substrate that is difficult to digest, such as sand, causing a blockage in their digestive tract. Symptoms include lethargy, loss of appetite, constipation, and a distended belly.


Leopard geckos may be affected by internal or external parasites, such as mites, ticks, or worms. Symptoms include weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and a bloated belly.

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

MBD is a condition that occurs when a leopard gecko’s body doesn’t get enough calcium or vitamin D3, leading to weak and brittle bones. Symptoms include swollen and crooked limbs, difficulty walking, and a soft jaw.

Respiratory Infections

Leopard geckos may develop respiratory infections due to poor husbandry, such as improper temperature or humidity levels. Symptoms include wheezing, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, and lethargy.

Shedding Problems

Leopard geckos shed their skin regularly, but shedding problems may occur if the humidity level is too low or if they are dehydrated. Symptoms include difficulty shedding, retained shed, and dry or flaky skin.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your baby leopard gecko, it’s important to take them to a reptile veterinarian for a checkup and treatment. Regular checkups can also help prevent health issues and ensure your baby leopard gecko stays healthy and happy.


In conclusion, taking care of a baby leopard gecko requires careful attention and commitment to their unique needs. Creating a suitable habitat with proper temperature, humidity, and substrate, providing a varied diet, regular handling and socialization, and monitoring their health are all essential aspects of their care. 

It’s important to be aware of common health issues and symptoms and to seek veterinary attention if necessary. With patience and consistency, you can provide your baby leopard gecko with a happy and healthy life as a beloved pet.

Read More:

Pros And Cons Of Owning A Leopard Gecko: A Definitive Guide

Leopard Gecko Personality Type: A Jumpstart Guide

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